domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011

Trabajo 3 Trimestre Steven Jobs

Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24 1955. His biological parents, unwed college graduates Joanne Simpson and Abdulfattah Jandali, had him adopted by a lower-middle-class couple from south of the Bay Area, Paul and Clara Jobs.
When Steve Jobs reached college age, he decided he would go to Reed College in Oregon. It was an expensive liberal arts college, way too pricey for his modest parents; but they had to keep their promise to Steve’s biological mother, and therefore paid for the tuition. Steve only stayed at Reed for one semester though, after which he dropped out. He then spent a lot of time learning about Eastern mysticism and adopted strange diets, fasting or eating only fruits: it was his hippie period. He even traveled to India with a friend to seek enlightenment at age 19.

He co-founded Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak. Under his guidance, the company pioneered a series of revolutionary technologies including the iPhone and iPad. In 2003, Jobs discovered he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare but operable form of pancreatic cancer. In 2004, he had a successful surgery to remove the pancreatic tumor. When he fail, he always go on and come through. In his last speech at stanford university he said to the audience: “You've got to find what you love”; “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
He died on October 5, 2011. He was 56 years old at the time of his death.

I love his words. There’s a moment he says that when he was already a successful man he had to turn back to be a begginer to continue learning and growing. I like his optimistic and encouraging spirit. He was an example for the people.

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